Monday, November 7, 2011

Holiday Open House

It's beginning to look a lot like the holiday season...ALREADY!  I kid you not, the day after Halloween a local strip-mall had already hung their annual holiday lights of shimmering, falling snowflakes.  I will give them the benefit of the doubt simply because we have already had over a foot of snow this year, but still it seems a bit early for lights!  (I keep looking for Santa to make an appearance at the mall before Thanksgiving.)

Between the holiday lights and my favorite peppermint hot chocolate that is now being served up at local breweries, I am REALLY getting in the mood for our first, annual Festive Nest Open House Sale.  I thought I would give you a few "sneak peeks" at to what you will find here (assuming they aren't already gone after the first day).

One of my favorite items we have this season are knit winter pilot hats from KnitWits.  Below are just a few of the styles we will have at our Open House later this month.

Carson's favorite is the Black Lab

We have a large selection of hat styles, but we will only have a couple of each...

These hats are so cute!  My kids went wild when they saw them....Braeden has the Yeti (and I just can't get enough of him in it), and Carson has Lucky the Lab, in honor of his Percy.  Quite a few of the kiddos at their school can be seen on the playground in these hats, but I have yet to see them in any store around here.  I know you will love them when you get a chance to see them in person! 
Finding unique hostess gifts is easy here!

We also have quite a large selection of hostess gifts, including the cutest wine bottle "hats & scarves" along with a wine bottle Santa outfit.  These really add a festive spirit to a very typical gift.  Think of how many parties you go to where guests bring a bottle of wine (as a hostess, I get at least 4-5 bottles a party).  I honestly have to say I am never that impressed with the bottle bags or wrappings and I simply hate to wine bottles in those bags.  These bottle outfits are so unique and fun....we simply couldn't do without them!

Another fun group at the open house this season is the home decor.  We will have a wide selection of wreaths and accessories that are so sweet and delicous, I am sure you will just "eat them up".

The best part (in my opinion) of going to the merchandise marts around the country are the previews of the styles to come to the market within the year.  This past season, we saw so many red-and-white themes at all the markets.  I adore the candy cane theme so much that my wrapping paper for the season is all red with white bows!  Below are just a sampling of what we have in store for you all!

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